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The Bapas Manifesto

Bapas® aims to keep the Belgian quality beer 'Top of Mind' by focusing on the exquisite combination of beer and good food. Eating and drinking connects people. With this idea in mind, Bapas creates an outstanding opportunity to promote beer in a credible way.
Bapas is a center of excellence that contributes to the promotion of the Belgian beer heritage. Bapas strives to maintain the Belgian beer culture on the list of immaterial Unesco world heritage by.

  • organizing quality education on beer & gastronomy
  • participating in qualitative research on beer & gastronomy
  • supporting excelling initiatives on beer & gastronomy
Information and knowledge about beer & gastronomy are being transformed into attitude and practical skills in order to inform and inspire producers and end users.
Bapas communicates via its registered quality label 'BAPAS', via its ambassadors and via the platform. New media are used to promote tradition and craftsmanship in Belgium and internationally.

Bapas©, Beer & Tapas, is a trademark registered in the EU.

how it all started

It all started as a hobby ran out of hand, after beerlovers Sven Gatz, Filip Delvaux, Jan Pille and Karl van Malderen met. In 2011 the first Bapas book was published, only to be sold out a few months later (no longer available), followed by the second Bapas (2nd edition in 2017).
The Belgian beer community reacted with excitement to the unique Bapas concept and soon the first beerpassports saw the daylight. Meanwhile, a collaboration with Syntra had been established and Bapas was soon starring at beer and food events, workshops and tastings. Today, Bapas guarantees a qualitative approach by positioning Belgian beer in an original and exclusive way.

Who we are

Karl Van Malderen
Karl Van Malderen
As an expert on dietetics and health education, Karl not only teaches about beer and gastronomy, he is also the founder of the Beerpairing Academy. Karl wrote several books on beer& food and is the driving force behind the Bapas concept. His neverending contribution in the design and development of recipes, products and concepts has brought Bapas to what it is today.
Filip Delvaux
Filip Delvaux
Filip, who has a PhD on bio-engineering and is CEO of Brewery 'De Kroon', is the son of professor Emeritus Freddy Delvaux. He looks after after the scientific foundation underlying the Bapas concept, using his experience from the Brewing Expertise Center. He is a Belgian brewer who is better known as a the "flavor expert" and the "finest Belgian beer nose".

bapas ambassadors


Find more information about the training and how to become a Bapas Ambassador in the Beerpairing Academy.

brewers and cooperatives

Brewers and cooperatives we work with.
Brouwerij Boon Brouwerij De Kerf Brouwerij Malheur Brouwerij Roman Brouwerij De Troch Brasserie Du Bocq Brasserie Chimay Brasserie Delvaux Brouwerij Maredret Schelde brouwerij Schelde 3 Fonteinen Schelde Timmermans Schelde De Ranke Schelde Grimbergen Schelde Martin's Schelde Ter Dolen Schelde Van Steenberge Brouwerij Westmalle Brouwerij Brussels Beer Project Brouwerij Het Anker Brouwerij Oud Beersel Brouwerij Huyghe Brouwerij Verhaeghe